Quick list

1) Home screen and various introductory notes.

After login you are presented with various options to interact with your collection data

Global search: this searches the entire database for any term you enter. You will be presented with a table of search results with a number of clickable options.

Look up contributor: look up from a list of contributors. Select and you will be presented with a screen with the Contributor's details and associated items.

Look up by Role: each contributor is associated with an item in different ways, i.e. Author, Illustrator, Binder, Press, etc. You can look up by Role and view a list of all items associated with a Contributor by their Role.

Look up by Country Origin: look up from a list of Countries. Select and you will be presented with a table of search results with a number of clickable options.

Look up by Type: look up from a list of Types, i.e. Book, Scroll, Letter, etc.. Select and you will be presented with a table of search results with a number of clickable options. You can further look up once viewing the table, i.e. further filter on Sub Type or Sub Sub Type.

Browse collection: browse through the entire collection starting at the beginning and interact in a View mode.

Add item: quick and easy way to add a new item to your collection.

Totals: interact with a Totals pages - total price paid, price paid in various currencies and total Quantity.

Add contributor: add a new Contributor. Often it is easier to add a new Contributor then viewing an item in Edit mode.

Introductory notes

There are 2 main modes:

  • View mode: you can interact with the collection information in a View mode that is a neat and uncluttered way of looking at the details of an item, plus contributors, images, management and links. You can also click through to Edit mode at any point.
  • Edit mode: in this mode you can edit any of the item's documentation.
  • After Searching or Looking up the results will offer you the choice which mode to enter.

Click the image for a view of: Home screen
Home screen

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